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Çagatay Can Eren
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Çagatay Can Eren
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Çagatay Can Eren in a nutshell
RGT (Registry of Guitar Tutors) is a renowned organization globally recognized for its provision of guitar education and diploma programs. Established in 1992 in the United Kingdom, RGT offers professional training and certification programs for aspiring guitarists.

The primary objective of RGT is to enhance the technical skills and deepen the musical understanding of guitarists, enabling them t...
RGT (Registry of Guitar Tutors) is a renowned organization globally recognized for its provision of guitar education and diploma programs. Established in 1992 in the United Kingdom, RGT offers professional training and certification programs for aspiring guitarists.

The primary objective of RGT is to enhance the technical skills and deepen the musical understanding of guitarists, enabling them to perform at a professional standard. RGT provides a range of diploma programs tailored to students, teachers, and professional guitarists. These diplomas serve as a means to assess students’ guitar playing abilities and track their progress.

Additionally, RGT oversees the RGT@LCM (London College of Music) Teacher Registry, an educational program designed for guitar teachers. This program assists guitar teachers in improving their pedagogical skills and gaining recognition as certified guitar instructors.

RGT’s diploma programs cater to guitarists of various levels and styles. Upon successfully completing examinations at specific levels, students are awarded RGT diplomas. These diplomas serve as a valuable documentation of students’ musical development and talent, serving as professional references.

RGT has gained international recognition for its reputation in guitar education and diploma programs. It provides valuable resources for students and teachers alike, continuously striving to enhance the quality of guitar education.
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