I am extremely astute in the areas of business whereby my specialist subject of teaching is Business. No matter what I have done, I have produced Lessons and work always to a high standard because I’m dedicated to making sure each and every project that I am doing or have done is done to the very best of my ability, whereby being motivated organized and disciplined is a key strength which has ena...
I am extremely astute in the areas of business whereby my specialist subject of teaching is Business. No matter what I have done, I have produced Lessons and work always to a high standard because I’m dedicated to making sure each and every project that I am doing or have done is done to the very best of my ability, whereby being motivated organized and disciplined is a key strength which has enabled me therefore to having no regrets afterwards. I am not anxious about change or afraid of not knowing an answer as this entices me with a challenge and a challenge is what drives and prompts me to succeed as a good Teacher. Whether it’s finding the solutions to maximise student participation enjoyment and amplifying student grades or internal corporate involvement, I pride myself on my ability to recognize and articulate a distinct voice for every project. And that’s not always restricted to the written words. My lessons by far have given me an incentive to engage and improve and provide bespoke Teaching and learning. I assure you enjoying the lessons and moving in a progressive direction that deliver results.
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