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Secondary school
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Bachelor's Degree (studying): International Business
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Brandon in a nutshell
I have upwards of a years experience in tutoring, with my journey originally starting with lower year students in learning languages. However, I have transitioned into educating students through English, which is something I was able to be proficient with in both GCSE and A Levels. Currently, I am an undergraduate student but I would like to continue helping and tutoring others. I aspire to ensur...
I have upwards of a years experience in tutoring, with my journey originally starting with lower year students in learning languages. However, I have transitioned into educating students through English, which is something I was able to be proficient with in both GCSE and A Levels. Currently, I am an undergraduate student but I would like to continue helping and tutoring others. I aspire to ensure that the student can learn in a creative and engaging manner, so that the information they learn will stick with them and help them achieve the best grades possible! A reason why I look for a creative approach to teaching is because I, myself am Autistic; having been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when I was a lot younger. Due to this, I have a desire to help students in ways I wish to have been taught in, so that they can reach their fullest potential possible!

I have a large availability and much prefer to teach online, purely so I can reach a broader range of students. I also offer the student in question the first lesson free so they can see if I am an ideal fit for their needs.
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