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Birpal Kaur
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Birpal Kaur
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Birpal Kaur in a nutshell
As a language teacher and class teacher, i developes a good habits of writing reflection on teaching, enriches teaching experience and enhance the ability to teach and deal with classroom emergencies.
I have experience of both online and offline teaching because during Covid 19 i delivered classes online and rest of the time i manage offline classes.
Modern and dynamic format i used to design...
As a language teacher and class teacher, i developes a good habits of writing reflection on teaching, enriches teaching experience and enhance the ability to teach and deal with classroom emergencies.
I have experience of both online and offline teaching because during Covid 19 i delivered classes online and rest of the time i manage offline classes.
Modern and dynamic format i used to design my lesson plans like explain subject matter with live examples, use with relevant object related with topics, use audio - video adds to made lecture more effective and innovative.
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