Use of Power point presentations, handy notes from alma mater, I hope to make it easy for pupil to grasp the concept which forms the foundation for and of Geography, as a broad and multidisciplinary domain. As a person who understands how the questions are being picked and chosen for any type of entrance examination, I have thoroughly understood the hold and weightage that this subject has. As we...
Use of Power point presentations, handy notes from alma mater, I hope to make it easy for pupil to grasp the concept which forms the foundation for and of Geography, as a broad and multidisciplinary domain. As a person who understands how the questions are being picked and chosen for any type of entrance examination, I have thoroughly understood the hold and weightage that this subject has. As we can say, in a nutshell, where's there's location there's Geography, and accordingly it never failed. While a lot of incidents are occurring all over the World, each has it's own importance and significance associated with the location. It gives an overall idea as to how the place being located at a certain graticule would be influenced by any sort of happenings. As far as geography is concerned, one can concise and conclude that every single entity would arrive at a point i. e., geography, be it any art form, language, food, culture, ways to solve a mathematical equation to name a few. A subject with multiple applications in various applications is none other our very own geography. I solely promise that I will bring the best of my calibre to make things easily understandable in a short and crisp manner. For which, I'll never cease to update myself with the lastest happenings, around the world. It would be a memorable experience to get to mentor pupil from various backgrounds. Most importantly, I will never hesitate to clear the doubts, queries anytime.