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Bachelor's Degree (studying): Politics and Philosophy
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Ben in a nutshell
Lessons typically will be 1 hour. The first portion will be devoted to feedback on assignments given out at the end of the previous lesson. This will take about 15-20 minutes. This will be followed in the remainder of the lesson, by the teaching of new material.

I believe in a teaching style of 'flipped learning'. This is the style of teaching whereby the student is taught new material, then th...
Lessons typically will be 1 hour. The first portion will be devoted to feedback on assignments given out at the end of the previous lesson. This will take about 15-20 minutes. This will be followed in the remainder of the lesson, by the teaching of new material.

I believe in a teaching style of 'flipped learning'. This is the style of teaching whereby the student is taught new material, then the student works on solutions using the subject knowledge just taught, and then their work will be assessed and relevant feedback will be given. But crucially, this will all take place in the same lesson, before I then give them their own assignment to do outside of the lesson. The benefit of this process is that the student knows exactly where the knowledge gaps remain, so it is clear what exactly they must target, instead of wasting time doing work they know how to do. This style is proven to be the best way to commit information to long-term memory in quantitative subjects such as Maths.

I am primarily aimed at 11+ students but am also happy to take KS3/GCSE students as well. I am also flexible over this summer period as to whether students focus solely on going through past papers to improve (which I found most helpful as a student) or whether they prefer more non-exam style work (which is perhaps more helpful at grounding the concepts).
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