My name is Beatriz.
I am Brazilian and Italian.
I love teaching and I always do my best to make sure the students grow.
Since I was in University I have been teaching Maths, Chemistry and Biology. I have taught from the ages of 12 to 22.
I use different content, from textbooks (depending on the level of the student) to diverse internet content and fun games.
I listen a lot so the studen...
My name is Beatriz.
I am Brazilian and Italian.
I love teaching and I always do my best to make sure the students grow.
Since I was in University I have been teaching Maths, Chemistry and Biology. I have taught from the ages of 12 to 22.
I use different content, from textbooks (depending on the level of the student) to diverse internet content and fun games.
I listen a lot so the students can feel safe and trust me. Moreover, I believe in growing and facing challenges together.
I do exercises and encourage questions. I am here to help, always.
I give homework, but I understand the different scenarios and situations too.
Please contact me for more information or a test class.
Thank you!
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