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Town/city/borough Tilford, Benhall, Farnham, Great Glemham, Little Glemham, Sternfield, Stratford St Andrew
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Beatrice in a nutshell
I have completed two out of three years of my primary education course and going into my third year this September. I have completed 18 weeks of whole class teaching so far and so I have a well versed knowledge bank to apply to private tutoring which will be enjoyable and rich in learning. I am looking to help students advance their mathematical knowledge over summer so that they start the Septem...
I have completed two out of three years of my primary education course and going into my third year this September. I have completed 18 weeks of whole class teaching so far and so I have a well versed knowledge bank to apply to private tutoring which will be enjoyable and rich in learning. I am looking to help students advance their mathematical knowledge over summer so that they start the September term feeling confident. I use fun, visual and engaging approaches, which include a variety of mathematical resources to strengthen their knowledge.
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