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1st class free
First class free
Town/city/borough London, City of Westminster, Westminster Abbey, Holborn, King's Cross, Kings Cross, Mansion House, Russell Square, St Paul's, Tower Hamlets
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
Level of the lessons
Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
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Beatrice in a nutshell
I like to draw, explain verbally, use animation/videos and hands on tasks/practice to teach both math and mandarin.

Particularly with Mandarin, I find repetition and verbal reading to be most effective. I would sometimes pause the lesson and ask the students to tell me the time in Mandarin, so they remember how to phrase it, learn the numbers and get confident in speaking Mandarin.

With math,...
I like to draw, explain verbally, use animation/videos and hands on tasks/practice to teach both math and mandarin.

Particularly with Mandarin, I find repetition and verbal reading to be most effective. I would sometimes pause the lesson and ask the students to tell me the time in Mandarin, so they remember how to phrase it, learn the numbers and get confident in speaking Mandarin.

With math, I often tailor problems to fit their interests. For example, if a child is interested in running, I try to make sums or problems to do with running. This will also help them relate problems to the real world.

With lower primary students, it helps to use hands and objects to guide their learning. With upper primary, more visuals will be incorporated.
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