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Beatrice (Bea)
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Beatrice (Bea)
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
University Degree (studying): Law LLB
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Beatrice (Bea) in a nutshell
I first like to understand what students want to get out of the sessions. This can be discussed in an initial meeting or via message. Once I have gathered this information I can come up with lesson plans that I think are most relevant or, even better, students can give me input on what they most need help with so I can make tailored lesson plans. I like to make PowerPoints with resources and info...
I first like to understand what students want to get out of the sessions. This can be discussed in an initial meeting or via message. Once I have gathered this information I can come up with lesson plans that I think are most relevant or, even better, students can give me input on what they most need help with so I can make tailored lesson plans. I like to make PowerPoints with resources and information but I can also use my own worked examples or go through past paper questions I have prepared draft answers for with students. During lessons I like to ask students questions to ensure their understanding and conduct tests of their knowledge by going over relevant cases, statutes and questions to test their understanding of the lesson. Although I am happy to be contacted outside lesson time to arrange upcoming sessions and answer brief questions, outside of preparing material for our next meeting I won't mark work or answer in depth questions outside lesson time as I am studying full time.
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