I always want to know what students think they might need or what their personal goals are. In this way I can tailor my classes to the students' needs and expectations. I have been extremely successful in raising student scores on standardized tests with a 99.5% pass rate over 20 years, but for many students that was not their goal. Perhaps, they simply wished to come to a better understanding...
I always want to know what students think they might need or what their personal goals are. In this way I can tailor my classes to the students' needs and expectations. I have been extremely successful in raising student scores on standardized tests with a 99.5% pass rate over 20 years, but for many students that was not their goal. Perhaps, they simply wished to come to a better understanding of a specific area of literature or type of writing. In working with college age students and adults, I have found that they often wished to remediate skill sets. Younger students wanted help with reading. I have also encountered adults, who wished to broaden their scope of literature and writing. Both younger students and adults have wished to broaden their back ground knowledge of literature.
In every and all cases, I begin with the expectations and needs of the students. From there, I create an individualized lesson plan and a scope and sequence to realize that goal. An invested student is primary for success. That success will be the building block for the class. To add interest to the class, I always draw on materials that I have in my personal library. This may include art or a film that can serve as an example of a concept we are studying. It may include music or drama or dance. I have even used musical instruments to teach sonnets and meter.
As you can see, I simply love teaching and my students.