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Bailey in a nutshell
I believe that there is no way to teach that works for everyone. There's always something that will work for someone else, but not you. I will create a learning syllabus that is specific to your needs. We will spend time discussing what you need help with and go from there. Whether you are a visual learner or you prefer to listen, I will adapt your tutoring sessions to work for you in the most ef...
I believe that there is no way to teach that works for everyone. There's always something that will work for someone else, but not you. I will create a learning syllabus that is specific to your needs. We will spend time discussing what you need help with and go from there. Whether you are a visual learner or you prefer to listen, I will adapt your tutoring sessions to work for you in the most efficient way possible.

I do not have any previous professional experience in tutoring, however I have often helped neighbours and family members with their work. From Maths and Science, to English and History. Aiding them in figuring out their struggles.

I am also only 19 years old. I was in your position not too long ago. I remember the struggles even outside of education, so if I can make your life easier, then I will. My age also means I remember learning the things that I will be tutoring, as well as still having any notes from the subjects.

I am willing to tutor anyone up to GCSE level as it is the level at which I have the most generalised knowledge, despite me also being in university, however due to the differences between the English and Welsh syllabus, I would prefer to tutor only Welsh students as this is where my experience comes from, however I would be willing to help tutor any English students that need it.

Overall, I will personalise each session based off what you need, regardless of what that may be.
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