I've been a tutor for a while now and teaching students from across all ages has allowed me to gain valuable experience to create meaningful lessons for you to improve in. Embedding philosophy into lessons has also allowed students to gain new lens in which they could use to give further detailed answers. The main format will be marking and giving feedback from essays as well as explaining what t...
I've been a tutor for a while now and teaching students from across all ages has allowed me to gain valuable experience to create meaningful lessons for you to improve in. Embedding philosophy into lessons has also allowed students to gain new lens in which they could use to give further detailed answers. The main format will be marking and giving feedback from essays as well as explaining what the examiner would want. We would be using papers from previous years as well as questions I have made up to ensure you have experience will all sorts of questions in preparation for the real thing. Previously mentioned, lens are an important way to show the examiner how you differ from the other students as you would go the extra mile in showing how well you understand the text as well as demonstrating your way of thinking outside the box. We would bring previous experience from any lesson as well as general knowledge to formulate an amazing answer. What I expect from you as a student is for you to be ready to learn, listen and compose an answer. I would also like for you to track all feedback I give you. Sometimes, I would also compose an answer with my students to act as an exemplar and it really is a fun activity. It would also show how we can be more eloquent in our speech. I would love for you to become my student and I know we would both thrive.