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Town/city/borough Croydon
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Ayanna in a nutshell
Initially short-styled tests are used to assess your current level. This helps me to identify how best to assist you on your journey. I also gather information pertaining to your goals, not just grade wise, but more long term. I have a back ground tutoring in English, but I’ve also worked in the Branding and Marketing industry and I currently work as a paralegal at an entertainment level firm. As...
Initially short-styled tests are used to assess your current level. This helps me to identify how best to assist you on your journey. I also gather information pertaining to your goals, not just grade wise, but more long term. I have a back ground tutoring in English, but I’ve also worked in the Branding and Marketing industry and I currently work as a paralegal at an entertainment level firm. As such I aim to incorporate real life experiences in my teaching to help provide students with an honest representation of how English is used in two quite separate industries and how best to incorporate particular language techniques in each industry.
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