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Astrilita in a nutshell
Learning is an interesting and crucial phase of life . If learning process is conducted in an appropriatea maner , students tend to tremember it for a long period of time and here lies my focus on delivering the lesson in the best method. Science is not only and theoretical but also a practical subject, teaching science through
demonstration and activities are my potentials. Have benn a home t...
Learning is an interesting and crucial phase of life . If learning process is conducted in an appropriatea maner , students tend to tremember it for a long period of time and here lies my focus on delivering the lesson in the best method. Science is not only and theoretical but also a practical subject, teaching science through
demonstration and activities are my potentials. Have benn a home tutor for 4 years. Have taught international students various subjects like mathematics, science, Portuguese and English. Increase student's learning enthusiasm through different methodology of teaching. Method used for delivering lesson are concentric and spiral approach. After each topics weekly tests conducted for assessment of the students learning progress. Use of presentation as and when needed for explaination.
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