I am a 14 year old grammer school student starting my gcse year soon and am going to be a private tutor for primary school childrenIt will be an online private or group lesson. I will use power point slides and begin to explain the basics of the topic and do a few questions toegther. . Followed by questions for you to do. I will ask my student what they are struggling in most and what they feel...
I am a 14 year old grammer school student starting my gcse year soon and am going to be a private tutor for primary school childrenIt will be an online private or group lesson. I will use power point slides and begin to explain the basics of the topic and do a few questions toegther. . Followed by questions for you to do. I will ask my student what they are struggling in most and what they feel they need work in. From there, I will endeavor to help them become stronger at that topic.