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Secondary school
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Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree (studying): Physics
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Aoife in a nutshell
I offer a personalised teaching style, designed to support the student to meet their academic goals, with flexible online lessons available for primary school, GCSE and A-level students.

I am a firm believer that maths and physics don’t deserve their reputations as boring and confusing subjects. Often they are taught in a way that overcomplicates or reduces them to rote memorisation, making the...
I offer a personalised teaching style, designed to support the student to meet their academic goals, with flexible online lessons available for primary school, GCSE and A-level students.

I am a firm believer that maths and physics don’t deserve their reputations as boring and confusing subjects. Often they are taught in a way that overcomplicates or reduces them to rote memorisation, making them seem intimidating or dull. I strive to offer students lessons which focus on gaining a deep understanding of the concepts and building problem-solving skills.

My teaching style is customised to the student’s needs, with lessons planned around their strengths and weaknesses. Lessons are interactive, and I always encourage questions. I aim to create a safe environment where students feel able to say when they’re confused and to make mistakes without feeling judged – this is all part of the learning process, and I am here to help!
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