My number one priority is creating an inclusive, welcoming environment where you are comfortable asking questions and conversing. I personalize each lesson based on your interests and abilities. I like to get to know you a little bit before jumping into a specific subject. From there, we develop a plan together that has clear goals and leaves room for flexibility. Each lesson starts with a warm-u...
My number one priority is creating an inclusive, welcoming environment where you are comfortable asking questions and conversing. I personalize each lesson based on your interests and abilities. I like to get to know you a little bit before jumping into a specific subject. From there, we develop a plan together that has clear goals and leaves room for flexibility. Each lesson starts with a warm-up activity that reviews material from the previous lesson and previews new topics. I also leave plenty of time for questions and comments throughout the lesson as well as encourage active reflection about what the lesson is designed to do. Towards the end of each lesson I review the topics discussed, any feedback received, and plan for the next lesson. I look forward to meeting and working with you!
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