I am a Senior Physics Educator, Educating students on the Laws of matter and energy, I truly as well as faithfully consider Teaching as my passion. And when we know our passion it is easy to live and lead your life peacefully.
I truly live for those WOW..!! moments when my students first understand a new concept or see how the lesson applies directly to their lives. I get excited when students se...
I am a Senior Physics Educator, Educating students on the Laws of matter and energy, I truly as well as faithfully consider Teaching as my passion. And when we know our passion it is easy to live and lead your life peacefully.
I truly live for those WOW..!! moments when my students first understand a new concept or see how the lesson applies directly to their lives. I get excited when students see improvement or when they are able to struggle through to mastery. As I teach Physics, I see this on a regular basis. As these successes build on one another my students grow in confidence. Helping students discover their strengths and then develop those strengths into regular habits of mind is extremely rewarding for me. Knowing that I have helped students move forward with skills they will use for the rest of their lives is gratifying and truly fulfilling for me.
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