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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Education and qualifications
University Degree (studying): Just completed the first year of my Natural Science degree at the University of Cambridge.
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Anoush in a nutshell
Last year, I achieved 4 A* grades in A-Level Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry. I am now completing an undergraduate degree in Natural Science at the University of Cambridge and have taken modules in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and geology.

I am keen to help students in Maths, Physics and Chemistry studying at both GCSE and A-Level.

I can really see the importance in confidence when p...
Last year, I achieved 4 A* grades in A-Level Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry. I am now completing an undergraduate degree in Natural Science at the University of Cambridge and have taken modules in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and geology.

I am keen to help students in Maths, Physics and Chemistry studying at both GCSE and A-Level.

I can really see the importance in confidence when performing well in exams, and so I am to build students' confidence so they are able to perform to the best of their ability. During the lessons I will prioritise doing as many practice questions as possible to improve familiarity with the exam style, as well as developing problem solving skills so students can approach unfamiliar questions critically.

Having two younger sisters which I often help, I am confident in helping those younger than me to grasp topics they find difficult. I have also solidified this skill when running a maths club for younger years at my school which helped extend students' mathematical ability by going through questions beyond the GCSE syllabus.
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