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Secondary school
University students
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Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: BSc (Hons) Psychology
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Aniya in a nutshell
In addition to my extensive experience working with various populations of different people, I have also achieved a wide range of various qualifications:

Undergraduate BSc (Hons) in Psychology

SQA Higher in English
SQA Higher in Human Biology
SQA Higher in Music
SQA Higher in Photography

SQA National 5 in Maths
SQA National 5 in Chemistry
SQA National 5 in Geography
SQA National 5 in Spanish...
In addition to my extensive experience working with various populations of different people, I have also achieved a wide range of various qualifications:

Undergraduate BSc (Hons) in Psychology

SQA Higher in English
SQA Higher in Human Biology
SQA Higher in Music
SQA Higher in Photography

SQA National 5 in Maths
SQA National 5 in Chemistry
SQA National 5 in Geography
SQA National 5 in Spanish

AQA GCSE in Punjabi

As a means of ensuring that each and every one of my students thrives to reach their full potential, I adapt a person-centred approach as everyone has their own ways and methods of learning.

I strive to create a safe, secure, and happy environment for my students to learn in - learning doesn't have to be boring!

In addition to teaching my students and helping to boost their grades, I am always striving to help them with their confidence and personal growth as this is equally just as important.

I have experience in various different fields of Psychology:

Atypical Development
Applying Psychology Research Methods
Biological Psychology
Child Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Individual Differences
Social Psychology
Psychology and Education
Psychology in the Workplace
Qualitative Research Skills
Quantitative Research Skills

My lessons will take place online via Zoom. My availability is Monday - Friday, from 4pm until 8pm, but I am flexible. Should you require some flexibility, feel free to contact me and I am more than happy to attend to this!

If you are looking to study Psychology, I teach students from High School to Undergraduate University level.

I am also more than happy to teach other subjects, as displayed by my qualifications:

Maths: Primary School
English: Primary School to High School
Biology: Primary School to High School
Aniya teaches here
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