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1st class free
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Town/city/borough Portswood, North Stoneham, Southampton
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: Applied Biology
Master's degree (M): Master of Arts Teaching English as a Second Language
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Andrew in a nutshell
I have a Masters of Arts Teaching English as a Second Language and a TEFL certificate. My first degree was in Applied Biology, hence I have a keen interest in science, especially biology. I have been teaching EFL in Asia for 25 years. I often use texts to suit the students interests and abilities. I have an extensive collection of texts collected over many years. I also use video clips to help s...
I have a Masters of Arts Teaching English as a Second Language and a TEFL certificate. My first degree was in Applied Biology, hence I have a keen interest in science, especially biology. I have been teaching EFL in Asia for 25 years. I often use texts to suit the students interests and abilities. I have an extensive collection of texts collected over many years. I also use video clips to help students understand English better. I have taught all age groups from beginners to near native English speakers. I also have an interest in history and cooking. This is often reflected in my choice of reading materials. I have taught students with learning difficulties. In these case I have to tailor my materials accordingly. I look forward to teaching you.
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