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Secondary school
University students
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University Degree (studying): Computer Information Systems
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Andres in a nutshell
I tailor my lessons to the level of experience of my students and their however I believe that working together to develop conversational fluency is important at all levels of learning and comprehension goes hand in hand with practice. Understanding syntax is great but I think that if we can create a sense of comfort and ease around conversation, you won't have to think about every thing you...
I tailor my lessons to the level of experience of my students and their however I believe that working together to develop conversational fluency is important at all levels of learning and comprehension goes hand in hand with practice. Understanding syntax is great but I think that if we can create a sense of comfort and ease around conversation, you won't have to think about every thing you are saying and how this or that verb is conjugated. You'll learn how Spanish sounds fluent through practice and understand the finer grammatical and syntactical points as we are already becoming habitually used to speaking correctly.

I was a born in Mexico City, Mexico and as such I will also be teaching Spanish from a Latino-American viewpoint. As lessons become more advanced we can explore slang, songs, jokes and other culturally relative material.

For students engaged in particular business or industries we can learn relevant terms and rehearse conversations that you are likely to have often in a work setting. We can expand your vocabulary to include situations that you would encounter whether personal or professional.

Please feel free to reach out and contact me for a consultation so I know how best to make use of our lesson time together and meet your language learning needs to the best of my ability.
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