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Andre in a nutshell
Let's work together to ensure that you are prepared for live performances, to create and record your own songs and having fun with it! Using high quality material (pdf, Guitar-Pro, audio and video) we'll choose some songs to work through their parts in weekly private music lessons, and refine the skills and concepts that those songs introduce.

About me:
I'm a musician with 18 years of expe...
Let's work together to ensure that you are prepared for live performances, to create and record your own songs and having fun with it! Using high quality material (pdf, Guitar-Pro, audio and video) we'll choose some songs to work through their parts in weekly private music lessons, and refine the skills and concepts that those songs introduce.

About me:
I'm a musician with 18 years of experience in the music and education industries. A guitarist, singer and a songwriter who has performed in professional cover bands as well as original bands at clubs, theatres and festivals. I also have a large experience in customer service, management, sales, event planning, social media, marketing and accounting. Strong performer and teacher with a degree in Music Education.
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