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Anaya in a nutshell
My lessons include going over information in a timely manner depending on a students ability then using practice questions to see any issues the student has. After completing my GCSE’s recently I have experience with the subjects and particularly hard topics, therefore in my teaching I ensure these hard topics are addressed thoroughly and that the student understands them completely.
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My lessons include going over information in a timely manner depending on a students ability then using practice questions to see any issues the student has. After completing my GCSE’s recently I have experience with the subjects and particularly hard topics, therefore in my teaching I ensure these hard topics are addressed thoroughly and that the student understands them completely.
I also use pictures and diagrams to explain complex processes allowing for the student to not just remember factual information but also understand it.
I taught children in the years below me during sixth form, helping them with any issues they had as well as warning them about any trick questions that may arise in exams. This taught me to be patient with younger kids as well as to be understanding and kind. I often also taught children in my neighbourhood if they ever struggled with content and became a friendly face to them which helped them to be able to learn with ease.
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