Hello all! I'm Anastasia, formed as a scientific researcher at different labs across the world. I'm passionate about biology and molecules, first I got a degree in Molecular Biology and after that I got a PhD in Neuroscience studying the biological clock inside our brains! We used the fruit flies (yes, flies!) to study their super tiny brains and start to understand how biological clocks work. Be...
Hello all! I'm Anastasia, formed as a scientific researcher at different labs across the world. I'm passionate about biology and molecules, first I got a degree in Molecular Biology and after that I got a PhD in Neuroscience studying the biological clock inside our brains! We used the fruit flies (yes, flies!) to study their super tiny brains and start to understand how biological clocks work. Besides this topic, I am always curious and excited about the whole biology around us, trying to get you as excited as I am about it :) We will check your biology program and make a planning for you to learn and understand all you need, and even more!