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Ana in a nutshell
I didn't use to like Maths as a child, so I know what it's like. It can be daunting and overwhelming, but once something clicks, it can be fun and exciting! This is why I like starting my lessons with what my students already know and what they don't. I ask them to tell me what is confusing or scary and we'll work on that first.

We can then explore the Maths behind any tricky activity and look...
I didn't use to like Maths as a child, so I know what it's like. It can be daunting and overwhelming, but once something clicks, it can be fun and exciting! This is why I like starting my lessons with what my students already know and what they don't. I ask them to tell me what is confusing or scary and we'll work on that first.

We can then explore the Maths behind any tricky activity and look at different examples where the same learning can be applied. I like adapting my lessons to the needs and preferences of my students and making them engaging and light. I have full confidence in my pupils, and I believe that learning from mistakes is super important. This is why I encourage them to go over anything they didn't quite get and explore it fearlessly with my guidance. I also model making mistakes and/or catching myself before I make them, so that it becomes clear how to act when some problem or activity gets complicated.

I believe that in order to progress in the understanding of Maths, it's important to train in basic fluency activities, moving on to reasoning and problem-solving exercises. I like starting with whatever the child is using at school and moving on to different problems that will stretch the learning. Building confidence is essential for someone who is struggling with Maths, and I do that with patience and empathy.

I look forward to sharing my love of Maths with you!
Ana teaches here
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