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verified Verified data time More than 5 years teaching experience
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Ana in a nutshell
Hola! It is a pleasure to connect with you.

My name is Ana, and I'm here to help you in your journey of learning one of the most beautiful languages out there: Spanish.

I have experience tutoring young people and adults. Besides Spanish tutoring, I also have lots of experience teaching and facilitating sessions for very diverse groups of people (I am a dancer and community worker) so I have a s...
Hola! It is a pleasure to connect with you.

My name is Ana, and I'm here to help you in your journey of learning one of the most beautiful languages out there: Spanish.

I have experience tutoring young people and adults. Besides Spanish tutoring, I also have lots of experience teaching and facilitating sessions for very diverse groups of people (I am a dancer and community worker) so I have a strong passion to help people of all walks of life reach their potential in a fun, personalised and creative approach. Just reach out letting me know what you need help with: preparing for exams, obtaining a conversational level of Spanish or aiming at professional proficiency - and we'll take it from there!

We will use hand outs/written material as a foundation for the sessions, but complement them with exercises that I will bring to you. At the end of each session, we'll put into practice what we've learnt in a conversation. Depending on what your goals might be, I would also be happy to send you off with some homework or practice guidelines for you to carry on learning until the next time we meet!

As a native speaker from Latin America, I have a neutral, warm accent. I can explain the differences between Latin American and Spanish (from Spain) expressions, and share with you stories and advice about Venezuela/Latin America, particularly useful if you intend to travel to that continent. And I'll give you many songs carefully chosen for you to listen to which will help you easily catch the language (and hopefully lift your mood. Our music is great!)

Thank you for reading. Muchas gracias, y espero verte pronto!
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