I believe that a student will only take pleasure in learning something if he/she finds the topic relevant to his/her life. To this end, I like to show my students in subtle ways, that mathematics is afterall not disconnected from our lives. The subject has far reaching consequences because it helps us understand things which are inaccessible to us. No person has ever been to the sun but we hav...
I believe that a student will only take pleasure in learning something if he/she finds the topic relevant to his/her life. To this end, I like to show my students in subtle ways, that mathematics is afterall not disconnected from our lives. The subject has far reaching consequences because it helps us understand things which are inaccessible to us. No person has ever been to the sun but we have quite a good idea about its temperature due to calculations. This is just one example that shows us where humans cannot reach calculations come to the rescue.
In order to access this subject full of ingenious techiques one needs a good teacher, just like a basketball player needs a coach and a businessperson needs a mentor. A good teacher can inspire a student to take up his/her study with enthusiasm. This I believe can happen by using good quality examples while teaching any chapter or topic. This is what I try to achieve in my classes.
Once the student is motivated, he/she must pick up the textbook and solve a wide variety of questions to further cement what has been taught. In my experience the duo of motivation and practise is a potent combination that set ablaze the fire to know more.
I wish to work with you to set ablaze that fire within you. No one must have any sort of phobia of mathematics. Mathematics like any other field of study can be learnt, enjoyed and made better. I hope to see you in my class very soon. You are most welcome even if you have feared or doubted your mathematical abilities for as long as you can remember. The only thing required is a will to change for the better!
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