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Town/city/borough Swansea
verified Verified data time 4 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Amama in a nutshell
In my classes, I aim to make learning enjoyable and effective! Using colorful slides and engaging worksheets, I create interactive lessons that cater to various learning styles. These resources help students grasp concepts easily while keeping them interested and motivated. Additionally, I incorporate quizzes to assess understanding and track progress, ensuring that students stay on the right tra...
In my classes, I aim to make learning enjoyable and effective! Using colorful slides and engaging worksheets, I create interactive lessons that cater to various learning styles. These resources help students grasp concepts easily while keeping them interested and motivated. Additionally, I incorporate quizzes to assess understanding and track progress, ensuring that students stay on the right track. I adapt my teaching approach to meet the needs of each individual student. Together, we explore new topics, practice skills, and foster a love for learning. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out – I'm here to help your child succeed and make learning a positive experience for the whole family!
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