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Amal in a nutshell
A graduate of administrative information systems, I worked as a teaching assistant at Khairkom Association in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a kindergarten foundation teacher at Dar Al Huda School, a children’s supervisor at KidZania Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and a data entry clerk at a beauty institution. I have the first level of English and the first level in computer sciences, and I took a dist...
A graduate of administrative information systems, I worked as a teaching assistant at Khairkom Association in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a kindergarten foundation teacher at Dar Al Huda School, a children’s supervisor at KidZania Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and a data entry clerk at a beauty institution. I have the first level of English and the first level in computer sciences, and I took a distance learning course in preparing and qualifying teachers in kindergartens and Quran memorization schools.
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