I tried to have my lessons be as fun and interesting as possible I’ve worked out that not a lot of people retain information if they’re bored so I like to keep things fun but make sure that the information is going in I found that it’s the best way to get children interested and wanting to come back and learning at the same time if you find something difficult and boring you’re not gonna wanna st...
I tried to have my lessons be as fun and interesting as possible I’ve worked out that not a lot of people retain information if they’re bored so I like to keep things fun but make sure that the information is going in I found that it’s the best way to get children interested and wanting to come back and learning at the same time if you find something difficult and boring you’re not gonna wanna stick at it or improve but if you find something fun and like you’ve learnt something then you feel accomplished and that’s all I want for anyone who is taking my tutor lessons I want them to feel like it’s a safe space for them to learn things but also enjoy their time doing it not feel like they’re constantly looking at the clock hoping for the lesson to be over I know school can be very much like that and I want students to enjoy my lessons so I try my best to get to know my students and Taylor a lesson around certain things that I know that they enjoy or having a different approach with them and the learning because not everybody learns in the same way and I think that’s what school is missing some students need different ways of learning or a little bit more attention or a different style of learning and I want to be as compatible with their learning skill as I can be so I hope this gives you more insight to how I go about things.
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