I am experienced, approachable and friendly. I am highly organised and confident with/passionate about my subject. I understand the difficulties involved with studying this demanding subject and am here to help with a wealth of resources. I tutor face to face and online.
Head of Psychology
Taught Psychology A level for over 15 years.
Successful tutor for 5 years with EXCELLENT RESULTS and loving...
I am experienced, approachable and friendly. I am highly organised and confident with/passionate about my subject. I understand the difficulties involved with studying this demanding subject and am here to help with a wealth of resources. I tutor face to face and online.
Head of Psychology
Taught Psychology A level for over 15 years.
Successful tutor for 5 years with EXCELLENT RESULTS and loving it!
My mission is to enable students to reach their potential and achieve their goals in order to give them important life opportunities. I can teach that all important examination technique. I can teach how and what to revise and how to focus on the core elements of each topic, how to be precise and gain maximum marks per paragraph.
Each tutorial will be tailored to the needs of the individual student, in terms of topic areas studied, how and when to describe research studies and importantly how to evaluate and use research methods. Other focuses are, exam writing techniques and exam answer practice. Additionally we can work on effective revision notes and how to handle the learning process.
Ditch the stress, stay motivated, enjoy and take control of this A level.
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