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Town/city/borough Epping, Coopersale, Green, Theydon Bois, Thornwood Common, Abridge, Chingford, High Ongar, Loughton (Essex), Snaresbrook
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Secondary school
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Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree (studying): English Literature
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Alfred in a nutshell
I am currently an Undergraduate English Literature Student at a Russell Group University: University of Birmingham, a degree which I am predicted to complete with a First by 2025. I graduated Davenant Foundation School in 2022 with an A*A*A in English Language and Literature, Geography and History; I also have 9 GCSEs, including English and Maths. I am willing to teach from Secondary school to A...
I am currently an Undergraduate English Literature Student at a Russell Group University: University of Birmingham, a degree which I am predicted to complete with a First by 2025. I graduated Davenant Foundation School in 2022 with an A*A*A in English Language and Literature, Geography and History; I also have 9 GCSEs, including English and Maths. I am willing to teach from Secondary school to A Level. I am familiar with the Assessment Objectives in AQA, Edexcel and OCR; not only will I help you hit the AO objectives, but also to write clearly, effectively, and concisely within the exam time you are given. It is often a great frustration amongst students who know the source material well, but are unable to express it in a concise, intelligible form and consequently do not achieve the grades that the work they put in has merited. I will show you how to write in a credit-worthy, time-effective manner, that not only will give you the best possible chance of achieving the grades you want to achieve, but also, even if you do not decide to pursue an essay-based education, will give you a great basis for writing in the future. Furthermore, I will help you be able to read Literature through a critical lens, ensuring you can then effectively analyse what you have read, ultimately propelling you to write essays that personify what you yourself think about these texts. I hope to provide a stress-free educational environment, in which I will read the texts alongside you receptively, thus amiably driving you towards not only your target grades, but also your ability to analyse in an effective, and successful way.
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