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Alby in a nutshell
Hi! I have to write 250 words about, like, how I teach or something. That sucks. I just want a job…

I like English. I like teaching. I like chatting with people...
We’re gonna get along, I’m sure.
I wonder if you can read this text when what I’m supposed to teach you is reading a text like this. Good job if you can!!!
Anyway. God. 190 more.
I am in Portugal right now. Very nice beaches here. It...
Hi! I have to write 250 words about, like, how I teach or something. That sucks. I just want a job…

I like English. I like teaching. I like chatting with people...
We’re gonna get along, I’m sure.
I wonder if you can read this text when what I’m supposed to teach you is reading a text like this. Good job if you can!!!
Anyway. God. 190 more.
I am in Portugal right now. Very nice beaches here. It’s a bit cold…
I’m pretty lost in life. Like. Where am I going, you know?
I just bought a slinky. It’s nice for just playing with it while walking somewhere… …nowhere.
I write poetry also. Wanna read some? Here:


Rebelie trapná
Jak unikání smrti
Chci zpátky k prírode
Chci vuli nevedomí
Ty víš
Já ne
Jen sním
O tobe
Držím te
Už nemusím vedet kdo jsi
Mám te ráda

Jako kocka

Aaaand you very likely can’t read it. ‘Cause it’s Czech. I’m Czech. Can teach you that also. Also Spanish (I hate the past tense tho). And Chinese - how they speak and write in Taiwan - but only basics. Like. A1. Maybe A2. I lived there for a year. Cool place. The world is really pretty…
Okay. 45 more words. Hm. Hm hm hm hm. Oh yes! How do I teach! Well conversations mostly… …if you’re more of a visual learner I’ll share my screen and make some materials and send them to you. Gonna be great!
Yesssszzz! Word count done.
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