Hello all. My name is Aisha and I am a mental health listener, befriender and counsellor. I am here to offer support via various mediums to those of you battling with their mental wellbeing.
I have a lifetime of personal experience fighting hard against mental illness including depression, eating disorders, anxiety and OCD.
I know exactly how isolating it can be when your life is governed by po...
Hello all. My name is Aisha and I am a mental health listener, befriender and counsellor. I am here to offer support via various mediums to those of you battling with their mental wellbeing.
I have a lifetime of personal experience fighting hard against mental illness including depression, eating disorders, anxiety and OCD.
I know exactly how isolating it can be when your life is governed by poor mental health. It is an evil monster to battle and can be completely debilitating.
I am here as living proof that, whilst it’s unlikely to leave you completely, mental illness can be managed to enable you to still lead a good quality of life.
As hard as it can be to have faith that things with improve, trust me, it can get better! There is hope no matter how small that you can hold on to.
I am here to help! With support, your chances of defeating your demons grows immensely! You don’t need to suffer in silence nor wage this war alone. Let someone help!
I am here for you to assist in confronting your concerns and working towards making life brighter for you. Despite that seemingly unbeatable dark cloud blighting you right now, there is always hope!
It is never too late despite what those cruel thoughts might tell you.
As well as, what I would argue is the best kind of knowledge (that of a lifetime of firsthand experience) I have also studied in the field of counselling.
Completed courses to date:
• Level 3 Award in Counselling Skills
• Level 4 Award in Counselling Skills Advanced
• HSC (Home Study Centre) Advanced Diploma in Life Coaching
• Suicide Awareness Online Course
Open Learn – Short, online courses via The Open University:
• Sure, I know how to talk to people!
• Three principles of a coaching approach
• The importance of interpersonal skills
• Exercise and Mental Health
• Critically Exploring Psychology
• Making sense of ourselves
APT The Association for Psychological Therapies:
• How to Ask the Right Questions – 1 hr CPD
CPD Online College
• Confidence Building – 2 CPD points
I offer support in various forms including email and telephone counselling, text/whats app exchanges and daily reminders to help boost your feelings throughout the day. Please see my other posts for more information or feel free to message me.
Please don’t delay, take a positive step for you today!
You can read more across my pages:
With caring wishes to you, Aisha x
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