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Town/city/borough Edgware, Burnt Oak, Mill Hill
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Aicha in a nutshell
I have found that using worked examples as well as backward fading have engaged and improved the students knowledge the best.
I start my lessons with a recap of what we covered in the previous lesson, then move onto introducing todays topic.
After we’ve covered a certain number of topics, I create a quiz tailored to the students ability in order to keep track of the students progress.
I have found that using worked examples as well as backward fading have engaged and improved the students knowledge the best.
I start my lessons with a recap of what we covered in the previous lesson, then move onto introducing todays topic.
After we’ve covered a certain number of topics, I create a quiz tailored to the students ability in order to keep track of the students progress.
Finally, I end the session with some homework due in the next lesson.
My sessions tend to be quite relaxed with a lot of emphasis on increasing the students confidence in maths rather than getting them to remember methods.
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