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Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: Computer Science Engineering
Master's degree (M) (studying): Advanced Computer Science
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Afroz in a nutshell
In Computer Science, we'll dive into various subjects. I can guide you through Data Structures and Algorithms, where you'll learn to craft efficient data structures and algorithms. This will enhance your problem-solving skills and coding abilities. I can also introduce you to Graph Theory, a field that deals with understanding connections between elements. It finds applications in various domains...
In Computer Science, we'll dive into various subjects. I can guide you through Data Structures and Algorithms, where you'll learn to craft efficient data structures and algorithms. This will enhance your problem-solving skills and coding abilities. I can also introduce you to Graph Theory, a field that deals with understanding connections between elements. It finds applications in various domains. If Computer Networking interests you, I'll explain everything from the basics to advanced concepts like internet data transmission and security.
For those curious about Artificial Intelligence (AI), I can provide an introduction. We'll explore machine learning, language understanding, and ethical aspects of AI. If Web Development is your focus, we'll work on building interactive websites using practical tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Aspiring software engineers can benefit from my guidance. I'll teach you to write clean, maintainable code, emphasizing software development methodologies and best practices. Moreover, I'm proficient in several programming languages (C, C++, Java, Python), so you can choose the one that suits you best. We'll also explore the unique strengths and applications of each language.
In Data Science, we'll embark on a journey through various topics. Starting with Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms, we'll cover everything from basic techniques like linear regression to advanced ones like deep neural networks. Expect a blend of theory and practical implementation. If you're interested in Natural Language Processing (NLP), I'll guide you in tasks such as sentiment analysis, text classification, and even building chatbots. Before diving deep into data analysis, we'll explore essential steps like data cleaning, visualization, and statistical insights in Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Techniques. Data Loading and Manipulation are crucial, and I'll teach you how to collect data from diverse sources, clean it, and prepare it for analysis using tools like Pandas. Additionally, we'll work on Fully Deployed Projects from Kaggle, providing you with hands-on experience in end-to-end data science projects.
I can teach you mathematics while adapting to your preferred learning style. We'll focus on understanding fundamental concepts such as algebra, calculus, geometry, and statistics. I'll make physics accessible and enjoyable for learners of all ages. Complex ideas will be broken down into simpler ones to help you grasp the fundamental principles.
My Qualifications and Experience:
I'm currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Advanced Computer Science to stay updated with the latest advancements in the field. With teaching experience since my 12th grade, I've learned to tailor my methods to suit individual learning styles. My excellent performance in my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science reflects my deep subject knowledge. Additionally, I've completed courses in Data Science and Competitive Coding Skills, enhancing my ability to teach these subjects effectively.
In summary, I have much to offer as an educator in Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, and Physics. My teaching style prioritizes simplicity and practical application. With my education and experience, I'm here to inspire and guide students of all ages and academic levels.
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