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Affan Iftikhar Ahmad Khan
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Affan Iftikhar Ahmad Khan
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Affan Iftikhar Ahmad Khan in a nutshell
My interactions with students are primarily text-based, where you can ask questions or provide prompts related to biology. You can engage with me through a chat interface, where I can provide explanations, definitions, examples, and additional information to help you better understand biology concepts. have been trained on a vast amount of information encompassing a wide range of biology-related...
My interactions with students are primarily text-based, where you can ask questions or provide prompts related to biology. You can engage with me through a chat interface, where I can provide explanations, definitions, examples, and additional information to help you better understand biology concepts. have been trained on a vast amount of information encompassing a wide range of biology-related topics.
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