Being a trained teacher of diverse experience and strong passion for teaching, I take my time to plan out my lessons ahead. This plan usually come as given below:
During the lesson, I ensure that the lesson objectives are clearly discussed with my students to allow them know why they need to learn what I will be teaching them. Ahead of the lesson, I already considered what their learning needs...
Being a trained teacher of diverse experience and strong passion for teaching, I take my time to plan out my lessons ahead. This plan usually come as given below:
During the lesson, I ensure that the lesson objectives are clearly discussed with my students to allow them know why they need to learn what I will be teaching them. Ahead of the lesson, I already considered what their learning needs, differences, weakness and the core concepts they need to take away from my lesson. After this, I explain the significance of these objectives to the students so they know why they need to learn it and how it will help in actualizing their subsequent learning needs.
Before I begin my lesson, I make sure that I teach and model the lessons to match the expectations of my students. Most cases, we have a sample interactive passage in Arabic language focusing on a specific vocabulary that will be of interest to them such as discussions related to family, household items, finance and politics.
I ensure that not only the three sense organs of my students are engaged in the learning process, by hearing, seeing and talking, I also get my students engaged in the lesson by having them partake in hands-on activities, use group discussions, argument, research and projects learning to enhance my lesson.
I always take feedbacks from my students after every lesson step and take my time to answer their questions. After this, I ask students my critical thinking questions to strengthen their comprehension skills. Using ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions to make sure that we are meeting ourobjective.
I always compliment every student that seems struggling putting head around the concept and I make sure that all students see me doing this.
After achieving the lesson objectives, I take a moment to reflect upon what had worked and what did not in my lessonor try to find what I was lacking in a particular area, so that I can have a better lesson subsequently.
I use the best of learning aids and text for all learning sessions.