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Adam in a nutshell
My lessons are dynamic, interactive, and tailored to each student's unique needs. The format I use involves a mix of structured teaching and flexible, student-led exploration. Typically, a session begins with a brief review of previous material, ensuring a solid understanding before moving forward. I then introduce new concepts using clear, real-world examples that make complex ideas more relatab...
My lessons are dynamic, interactive, and tailored to each student's unique needs. The format I use involves a mix of structured teaching and flexible, student-led exploration. Typically, a session begins with a brief review of previous material, ensuring a solid understanding before moving forward. I then introduce new concepts using clear, real-world examples that make complex ideas more relatable and easier to grasp. This is followed by interactive activities, such as problem-solving exercises, discussions, and quizzes, which reinforce learning and keep students engaged.

My academic background involves 11 GCSEs comprised of 8s and 9s, and A-Levels of Economics (A*), History (A*), Mathematics (A*), and an EPQ (A*). I am very passionate about my degree and the A-Levels I have completed, making tutoring such subjects rewarding and enjoyable. This mix of experience and passion makes me an ideal tutor, particularly for Economics (at any level), Law (A-Level/GCSE), Mathematics (A-Level/GCSE), EPQs, and Oxbridge applications/Personal Statements. I am also able to confidently tutor any GCSE subject through rigorous research beforehand.

Regarding specific tutoring experience, through various agencies over the past four years, I have conducted more than 300 hours of sessions in both group and one-on-one settings. These sessions have covered each of the areas mentioned earlier. The majority of my students have been international, with varying proficiencies in English, so I understand the importance of speaking slowly and coherently. Additionally, I have worked with students who lack confidence, emphasizing encouragement and conducting lessons in a calm and relaxed manner. My approach ensures that all students, regardless of background or confidence level, can achieve their academic goals.
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