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Abhay Krishna
Abhay Krishna
Town/city/borough Wembley
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
Level of the lessons
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Secondary school
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Abhay Krishna in a nutshell
My lessons are dynamic and engaging, focused on building a strong foundation and a genuine love for learning. I tailor each session to the student's individual needs, pace, and learning style.

Here's what you can expect:

- Personalized learning plans: We'll start by assessing your strengths and weaknesses to create a customized plan that targets your specific needs and goals.

- Interactive...
My lessons are dynamic and engaging, focused on building a strong foundation and a genuine love for learning. I tailor each session to the student's individual needs, pace, and learning style.

Here's what you can expect:

- Personalized learning plans: We'll start by assessing your strengths and weaknesses to create a customized plan that targets your specific needs and goals.

- Interactive sessions: I encourage active participation through discussions, questions, and problem-solving activities to ensure you're not just passively absorbing information.

- Clear explanations: I break down complex concepts into simpler terms, using real-world examples and visual aids to make learning more intuitive and enjoyable.

- Practice and feedback: We'll work through practice problems and past papers together, providing detailed feedback to help you identify areas for improvement and build confidence.

- Exam preparation: For those preparing for exams, I'll focus on key exam techniques and strategies, helping you approach assessments with confidence and composure.

As an aspiring medic with a passion for science and maths, I bring a unique perspective and enthusiasm to my tutoring. My own academic journey and experiences in challenging coursework allow me to empathize with students and provide effective support. I am committed to helping you achieve your full potential and exceed your academic goals.
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