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Town/city/borough Falmouth, Budock Water, Flushing, Saint Mawes, Trelew
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Abby in a nutshell
I have piano students that I currently teach ranging from 12 years of age to 58. I can teach any genre of music on the piano from jazz to classical and anything in between! I like to teach with visual stimuli as well as aural and practical, this allows all styles of learners to be able to flourish with my methods. I like to keep things fun and engaging, I have had experience with teaching people...
I have piano students that I currently teach ranging from 12 years of age to 58. I can teach any genre of music on the piano from jazz to classical and anything in between! I like to teach with visual stimuli as well as aural and practical, this allows all styles of learners to be able to flourish with my methods. I like to keep things fun and engaging, I have had experience with teaching people with ADHD and know the importance to keep students engaged in order to learn to their best potential!
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