When picking up a new student, ideally beforehand I'd like to ask the student if they have any topics they'd like to cover with me and plan a lesson catered around tackling the topic. First we'll go through a basic conceptual rundown of the topic, followed by some illustrative examples and questions that I will work through in front of the student step-by-step. Once the student has acquired some...
When picking up a new student, ideally beforehand I'd like to ask the student if they have any topics they'd like to cover with me and plan a lesson catered around tackling the topic. First we'll go through a basic conceptual rundown of the topic, followed by some illustrative examples and questions that I will work through in front of the student step-by-step. Once the student has acquired some understanding, then we can begin practice questions that I will guide the student through. This ensures that the student will have a solid grasp of the fundamentals and is able to apply their knowledge to solve problems themselves. This way, not only will they know what to do but more importantly understand WHY they're taking the steps they are taking, and that is essential for long term learning.
I aim to implement contemporary learning techniques backed by proven research such as spaced repetition learning and active recall to ensure that the topics really stick and the student can make measurable progress in their mathematical understanding. With that understanding will eventually come confidence and success. I believe anyone can excel at mathematics if the barrier of intimidation is knocked down for them first. After all, it is just a fun puzzle in the end and I can show you the beauty of maths in my classes :)
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