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Aaron in a nutshell
My lessons are fun, informative and engaging so that my young tutees feel relaxed and eager to learn. As a young tutor myself, I understand that getting something wrong may feel embarrassing and sometimes you feel like giving up, however my sessions provide a safe space for my tutees to feel resilient when proposed with a challenging question as we can work together to find a solution. Im a very...
My lessons are fun, informative and engaging so that my young tutees feel relaxed and eager to learn. As a young tutor myself, I understand that getting something wrong may feel embarrassing and sometimes you feel like giving up, however my sessions provide a safe space for my tutees to feel resilient when proposed with a challenging question as we can work together to find a solution. Im a very easy-going person who can understand that on some occasions, you may not feel like working and that is okay to feel like that, as understanding maths can be defined as a “marathon and not a sprint”. The journey we take together may be challenging and gruelling in some parts, as I always say - it’s a journey that we will endure together, providing help and encouragement to get over a certain hurdle.
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