As a young teacher with more than 2 years of teaching experience, i understand the difficulties of learning a new language. Without the correct guidance and a tailored method specific to the student, it will be very difficult to progress and could deter you away from your learning.
However, language learning doesn't have to be hard nor does it have to be boring! In order to have a good experienc...
As a young teacher with more than 2 years of teaching experience, i understand the difficulties of learning a new language. Without the correct guidance and a tailored method specific to the student, it will be very difficult to progress and could deter you away from your learning.
However, language learning doesn't have to be hard nor does it have to be boring! In order to have a good experience with learning a language in general, you need to find the best method for you!
In my few years of teaching, i have learned that every student has different needs since we all understand and process information differently. Therefore, for every student, i use many methods of comprehensible input ( Watching a presentation, music, games, reading etc. ) as well as comprehensive output ( Speaking and writing ). Supplementing these two important parts of language learning with vocabulary tools is the perfect way to acquire the English language!
Combining real life topics that you enjoy with appropriate language learning techniques will have you speaking like a native!
Como profesor joven de más de 2 años de experiencia, puedo entender las dificultades del aprendizaje de un nuevo lenguaje. Sin la guía correcta y sin los métodos específicos para el estudiante, será bastante complicado progresar y podría disuadirte de tu aprendizaje.
Sin embargo, la enseñanza de un idioma no debería ser difícil y tampoco debería ser aburrido! Para tener una buena experiencia aprendiendo un idioma en general, tú deberás encontrar el mejor método que se ajuste a ti.
En los pocos años de enseñanza, he aprendido que cada estudiante tiene diferentes necesidades, ya que todos entendemos y procesamos la información de maneras distintas. Por lo tanto, para cada estudiante, uso método de fácil entendimiento (mirar presentaciones, música, juegos, lectura, etc.) Así también como otros métodos (hablar y escribir).
Combinando temas que tu disfrutes con técnicas apropiadas de aprendizaje de un idioma, te tendrán hablando como un nativo!
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