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Town/city/borough Oldham, Bardsley, Chadderton, Hollinwood, Lees, Park Bridge
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience Response time <strong>100%</strong> Response time 100%
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Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
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Aamna in a nutshell
i have been tutoring since i was a child. i started out by tutoring my siblings and my cousins which quickly expanded to providing help to students in my class, school, and neighbourhood. over the years i have perfected my techniques to best fit the child i teach, taking into account their personal experiences and preferences. my lessons are centred around a childs needs and their ability. whilst...
i have been tutoring since i was a child. i started out by tutoring my siblings and my cousins which quickly expanded to providing help to students in my class, school, and neighbourhood. over the years i have perfected my techniques to best fit the child i teach, taking into account their personal experiences and preferences. my lessons are centred around a childs needs and their ability. whilst i may be young, my vast experience and knowledge greatly makes up for it.
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