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We are a leading platform for private lessons in Europe and Latin America. Continue reading to find out why we are the best and most reliable option for learning and teaching.

Verified Tutors

Supporting tutors and students worldwide
  • 15 countries from the Americas to Europe, reliable and trusted tutors
  • 15 years helping students find private classes safely and securely
  • 5 Million dedicated tutors teaching a wide variety of subjects
Why is FindTutors trustworthy?
  • Reviews from other websites Positive reviews in Verified Opinions
  • Verified Tutors We verify the contact details, photo and IP displayed in tutors' profiles
  • No fees Tutors keep 100% of what they earn, there's no commission
  • No advertising We do not have any adverts so you can focus on what you are looking for
  • 1st class free Thousands of tutors offer a free first class to spark a connection and trust
  • Your ideal tutor Thousands of tutors that will tailor classes to your needs
Tutors' and students' opinions
  • Carla, Guitar teacher My experience as a teacher on FindTutors has been amazing. I taught in-person classes for many years and now I teach online. At first I thought it would not be possible to create a connection and credibility only through video calls. However, it has allowed me to get to know students from all over the world that have recommended me and now this is my main source of income.
  • Johann, Parent of a student I realised that the tutors that appeared the most were those that had recommendations and that reassured me. I joined to find a tutor to help my daughter with her school work and I am happy with the possibilities that I found. Advice for fellow parents: go to the first classes to get to know the tutor. My daughter is happy and has improved her grades and concentration in school.
  • Esther, English student I found FindTutors though a friend's recommendation. I found Alex, my English tutor, who is completely flexible and from the start I felt reassured, he offered a free first class and his profile had reviews. I am studying English to do an exchange in Australia and the class is focused on the culture. I am very pleased!!!
More than 5894 users' opinions
  • Is FindTutors legitimate?

    Trust is one of the pillars of our work. We currently have various security processes to moderate profiles, publish reviews from only students that have really received classes and ensure security throughout our community.

  • How do I know if a tutor is reliable?

    A good tutor must inspire a connection so that their students have a desire to learn and overcome their academic challenges. It is best to reserve a trial class or ask about their teaching methods to ensure that you find the tutor you are looking for. You can also check their experience, qualifications and other students' opinions.

  • Can I pay for the class in advance?

    We recommend you to pay at the end of your class. Remember that FindTutors does not charge any commision and does not play any part in the payment of classes as the platform is completely free for both tutors and students.

  • Are the teachers on FindTutors verified?

    To have verified tutors on our platform, we validate the contact details, degrees, photos and IPs that appear in tutors' profiles. When tutors receive reviews from students, we also verify these in order to only publish real reviews.

  • How can I make sure a class is safe?

    Set up the first class online or in a public space like a library or cafe. If both parties want to continue with classes, you can search for the tutor or student's social media e.g. LinkedIn etc. Never pay for the first class upfront.

  • Why choose FindTutors?

    We currently have a 8.8 out of 10 in Verified Opinions, one of the must trusted websites for verifying websites for tutoring and other businesses.

  • Will FindTutors charge me?

    No. FindTutors does not charge tutors any fees. Our service is free for tutors. There's optional paid plans for tutors.

  • How can I find reliable classes?

    Use FindTutors' search engine to find reliable tutors for after-school tuition, music classes, dance classes or English lessons online or in person. All profiles are subjected to moderation where the reviews, contact details, IP, photo and qualifications are verified.

Looking for a trustworthy tutor?

When you go to the profile of the private tutor you are looking for you can see if the profile is verified. This means that it meets our standards for private tutoring. What are our standards?

All of their information is verified, from their personal details and references to their qualifications and location. You will also be able to see their rating given by previous students and their comments or reviews. There is nothing more reliable than the opinion of our students. At the end of the day, you validate our tutors and our platform so it's thanks to you that we can say that FindTutors is safe.

There are teachers that offer their first class for free. This is so that you can have a reliable experience in your classes and get to know your tutor and their teaching methods before you pay.