What is one quarter of 15 minutes?

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Is there an easy way to calculate this?
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One quarter of 15 minutes is 3 minutes.
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Solayman Bhuiyan
one quarter means 1/4. 1/4 = 1/2 x 1/2 , so to easily find one quarter of 15 min: 1) you need to half (1/2) 15 min, which is 7min 30sec 2) you need to half this answer, which is 3min 30sec + 15 sec which is 3min 45sec WHY? 1/4 of 15min = 1/4 x 15min = (1/2 x 1/2) x 15min = 1/2 x (1/2 x 15min) = 1/2 x (7min 30sec) = (1/2 x 7min) + (1/2 x 30sec) = (3min 30sec) +(15sec) = 3min + (30sec + 15sec) = 3min 45sec
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Solayman Bhuiyan
one quarter means 1/4. 1/4 = 1/2 x 1/2 , so to easily find one quarter of 15 min: 1) you need to half (1/2) 15 min, which is 7min 30sec 2) you need to half this answer, which is 3min 30sec + 15 sec which is 3min 45sec
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Solayman Bhuiyan
WHY? 1/4 of 15min = 1/4 x 15min = (1/2 x 1/2) x 15min = 1/2 x (7min 30sec) = (1/2 x 7min) + (1/2 x 30sec) = (3min 30sec) +(15sec) = 3min + (30sec + 15sec) = 3min 45sec
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