What are the most used irregular verbs in French?

Miranda 2 answers
Help! Which are the most common and why?
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Hi Miranda This is a perfect question for Dr Google! The internet is very useful for basic grammar questions such as yours. Good luck! Dr Yasmin Fitzpatrick
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Nathalie Gregg-Smith
Verified Tutor
Hi Miranda, Here some very usefull verbs to know: to be= et to be= etre to have= avoir, these two are essential as they are used a lot and help to make the conjuguaison of the other verb for some tenses. to go = aller to say-dire to want/wish/will= vouloir can/may= pouvoir to believe= croire to leave=partir and by extension to leave again=repartir to come= venir/ and by extension, to come back=revenir if you have a look at their conjuguaisons you will see similarities between vouloir,pouvoir,croire. That will help you to remember them. And the cherry on the gateau... the verbs ending in oir/oire got similar habits. So you know one or two and the others are free. I would recommend you to be curious and to put in front of your eyes the conjuguaisons of these verbs and you will note a lot of similarities. That is going to help you to remember them. The guys who made the French were not nuts, there is a sort of logic, up to us to find it...or learn all the verbs by heart, lol! . With my students we observe the conjuguaisons, take notes and we take a verb and try to guess what it will do. Good fun and rewarding when you get them right! that really boost your confidence. And that is the most important in learning anything. I hope I answer your question. Bon courage, Nathalie
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